UX Design

Crafting Inclusive and Impactful Designs

My journey into the field of HCI began when I worked as a social media manager and became involved in a website redesign project. It was during this experience that I discovered the profound influence of user experience on various domains, ranging from technology and product design to marketing, education, and healthcare. The impact fascinated me and sparked a deep passion for UX/UI design, ultimately leading me to pursue a master's degree in HCI.

Throughout my college years, I found immense fulfillment in addressing complex problems and overcoming usability challenges to create functional, intuitive, and inclusive products that cater to individuals from diverse backgrounds, ages, and abilities. My unwavering dedication to enhancing the usability and accessibility of products and services, combined with my love for design, empowers me to empathize, learn, and grow. I am fully committed to achieving the best possible outcomes in my current and future career as a UX/UI designer. I firmly believe that my work can have a positive impact on people's lives by making technology more accessible and usable for everyone.

YouTube Accessibility

UX Research, Accessibility Evaluation, Accessibility Strategy

This evaluation aims to identify and address accessibility issues in YouTube's 'Shorts' feature, with a focus on enhancing accessibility for users who are blind or visually impaired. The evaluation will assess interface design, navigation, content presentation, and interaction elements, providing recommendations to create a more inclusive and enjoyable user experience for all.


Urban Summit

Conceptual Design, Prototype, UX/UI Design, Usability Test, Visual Design

The Urban Summit project showcased the iterative prototype development process, resulting in a user-centric mobile and smartwatch application for enhanced personal safety during outdoor activities. It exemplified a structured design approach that led to the development of a mid-fidelity prototype and usability tests that evolved the design into a high-fidelity prototype.


ChooseAdventure Mobile Design

Market Research, UX Stratergy, Brand Development, Prototype, UX/UI Design, Marketing Stratergy

Conducted a market analysis to refine the value proposition and business model for the future mobile application development of the ChooseAdventure brand. Addressed the shortcomings in the outdoor recreation application industry by gathering insights and making informed decisions that enhanced the app's value proposition and catered to the diverse needs of the users.



Usability Evaluation, Usability Test, Data Analytic, User Engagement Strategy

Conduct a comprehensive evaluation and analysis of the usability issues that potentially impact user engagement on both the Happify application and website. Provide actionable recommendations aimed at addressing these issues to improve the overall user experience, with the goal of enhancing long-term user engagement.
